Saturday 30 April 2011

filefront links + 3D Warehouse link



3D Warehouse

5 images from Crysis Wars environment

1. Overall image (Sunrise)

The interconnect rectangles are like the feelings and thoughts of clients when they enter the world of mathematical—Calculus. The sharp edges on the landform are like the inspirations and ideas running through client’s mind.

2.Overall ( at dusk)
The image depicts the process of extending a single object to a complicate group (vertical rectangle and other rectangles on the bottom), and also the process from a group of objects reverse to one, which indicates the circulation of calculus and also mirrors the structure of a building.

3.Freud's Lab

4.Agnesi's Lab
The roof of Agnesi’s lab is covered by a horizontal rectangle from the construction of Freud’s hypothesis; it implies that the feelings and thoughts of a human being are the basic structural elements of designing the building.

5.Meeting Place
Two clients have to walk up the hill to meet and exchange ideas. They can view the whole scenery of the island and hear the sound of waterfall at the meeting place. The nature elements create a serenity environment for the clients to consider about the experiments.

Used textures



Monday 25 April 2011


Crysis Wars Environment + Electroliquid Aggregation

Two Hypothesese:
 Sigmund Freud: Discussing feelings and thoughts can bring unconscious thoughts to the mind.
 Maria Agnesi: The rules of calculus apply to the structure of a building.

Electroliquid Aggregation:
The feelings and thoughts of calculus can bring unconscious thoughts to the structure of a building.
Sigmund Freud             Maria Agnesi               Combination

Tuesday 12 April 2011

6 Combined Axonometrics

Sigmund Freud: Material collisions have memory.
Isaac Newton: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction


Maria Agnesi: The rules of calculus apply to the structure of a building
 Sigmund Freud: Discussing feelings and thoughts can bring unconscious thoughts to the mind.
Maria Agnesi presented complex circumstances in a simple way.  
     Isaac Newton: Newton’s universal law of gravitation won’t let anyone fly without wings.

Tuesday 5 April 2011

12 axonometrics and sketchup model

1. Isacc Newton: Newton's universal law of gravitation won't let any one fly without wigs.

2.Isaac Newton: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction

3.   Sigmund Freud: Discussing feelings and thoughts can bring unconscious thoughts to the mind.

4.     Sigmund Freud: Material collisions have memory.

5. Maria Agnesi: The rules of calculus apply to the structure of a building.

6. Maria Agnesi presented complex circumstances in a simple way.